Monday, October 7, 2013

Site Analysis

Urban Context/ Site Analysis Plans

Urban Context Plan
The site is approximately a 49m breadth and 15.9m wide parallelogram for lot 5 on Wyragine Street, Mosman. The site contains several plants and trees which cannot be removed due to environmental policy, the nearest public transport is 100 metres down the road. The lot is on a angle going down from right to left meaning allowances are to be taken for a sloping site. Its approximately 120m from Balmoral beach. The lot is a low density zone which means the maximum height of the house is 8.5m, Floor Space ratio is 0.5:1 or in this conext about 356.5m2 of the property is usable floor space in total. The housing must reflect the context of the surrounding environment being near the beach and in a residential area it cannot intrude on other residents views and maintain the protection of watercourses and vegetation. General dominance of building must be kept to a minimum. Set back from boundary is 900mm for one storey and 15 mm for a two storey.

Planning Controls
Plan and Section of the site with height boundaries and FSR for the lot (Left to Right)
Site Context Plan


Local Context Plan photos


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