Friday, August 30, 2013

Presentation Boards Tutorial Week 5

Presentation Board Examples

Presentation Board summarises the stages and developments that are gone through for the product, the customer who it is for and the end product  with a few side notes for its requirements. Colour theme matches the products colour choices.

This board presents in a horizontal layout development of a building, placement and situation, who it is for with relevant facts that are small diagrams and the important structural and architectural parts of the building, use of colour scheme with red to highlight important parts.

Step by step basis of the process and decision making, included are annotated sketches and the final render with some relevant information on its placement, simple colour scheming.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Week 4 Tutorial

Chosen Artwork Blobs in Beloved Garden:

The pen drawings are my interpretations of the building in the artwork.
  • The view of the building is such that it is showing the widest at the front meaning that if it tapers to a smaller end or could end  behind the façade.
  • The trees placed at the front with different heights means that they're placed with different distances from the viewer with the largest trees the closest and the smallest trees being further away as of the one point perspective
  • Colour along the sides of the building suggests that the red stripes are the different levels of the building

Assignment 1 Update



Friday, August 16, 2013

Week 3 Tutorial

Room Arrangement

Red - Kids bedroom
Dark Blue - Master Bedroom
Light Blue- Guest bedroom
Purple- Living Room
Grey- Study Room
Yellow- Laundry
Brown- Children's Bathroom
Pink- Guest Toilet

Block Composition

 When thinking of the space I was trying to create an entrance that looked through all parts, the angles would have to be of varying degrees so I chose a pyramid, the rectangular prism is the main area with living rooms, dining room and the like with a connection to the cylinder, the cylinder would then contain all the bedrooms and on the upper floor more public space that is still undecided.
The use of the torus was to be in such as a walkway but containing smaller public areas, connected between two main complexes the cylinder is the entrance with a small guest area while the pyramid holds the main parts of the building, bedrooms, dining rooms, kitchens and the like. I would like to try and split up the public spaces into smaller more private ones through the torus allowing for a unique entry to the main complex and becoming more personal with the shape and effect of the pieces

Friday, August 9, 2013

Friedensreich Hundertwasser: Tutorial for Week 2

Before Friedensreich became an architect he was an artist, this is where most of his influences came from for his strange buildings, his use of vivid colours and distorted realities meant that it had a cheerful and interesting atmosphere with several meanings behind it. 

As Friedensreich started to develop into architecture he brought with him his vivid colour palette and distaste of straight lines and as he would call "geometric destruction" .
He is complicated.

Image used for the paper models.

Tutorail Week 2 Paper Models

This paper model is used to represent Friedensreich Hundertwasser's expression of organic form and influences of nature in his artworks and architectural spaces, refusing the use of straight lines and preferring curvature for his artistic opinion. The model was often difficult to work with to contain a whole piece of paper while continuing the set together piece of paper

This paper model is referring more to his architecture that although it presents some functions, Friedensreich and his architecture with having a freedom to express and create for each user of the space, wanting a natural element of change and individuality to the people who experience his works. Using sticky tape helped with trying to form the object and keeping the natural need for a curve

This is a 3D model representation of his artwork "Blobs Grow in Beloved Gardens"
Trying to imitate the curved structure and unconventional creation of the this architecture. The ability to cut and paste provided better freedom for making the paper model closer to the artwork however it made firstly less abstract and meaningful but also meant that the model didn't need to be as well thought out and this meant the quality of the end product was of a lower make.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Design Influence: Friedensreich Hundertwasser

Friedensreich Hundertwasser:

Blobs Grow in Beloved Gardens
Hundertwasser really captured my attention with a controlled visual mess. Lack of any straight lines and wacky colours to make this artwork an interesting and suggestive way of building and experiencing a structure. The focus of the subject is mainly based on the garden and natural elements around the building, with the colour scheme and subjects, the main emphasis on large plants. I'll be very interested to see how these buildings could be reproduced with the same vivid colour scheme and rounded shapes in a 3D environment


Perspective drawing and Plan drawing for Group 2 Tutorial