Friday, August 9, 2013

Tutorail Week 2 Paper Models

This paper model is used to represent Friedensreich Hundertwasser's expression of organic form and influences of nature in his artworks and architectural spaces, refusing the use of straight lines and preferring curvature for his artistic opinion. The model was often difficult to work with to contain a whole piece of paper while continuing the set together piece of paper

This paper model is referring more to his architecture that although it presents some functions, Friedensreich and his architecture with having a freedom to express and create for each user of the space, wanting a natural element of change and individuality to the people who experience his works. Using sticky tape helped with trying to form the object and keeping the natural need for a curve

This is a 3D model representation of his artwork "Blobs Grow in Beloved Gardens"
Trying to imitate the curved structure and unconventional creation of the this architecture. The ability to cut and paste provided better freedom for making the paper model closer to the artwork however it made firstly less abstract and meaningful but also meant that the model didn't need to be as well thought out and this meant the quality of the end product was of a lower make.

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