Friday, August 16, 2013

Block Composition

 When thinking of the space I was trying to create an entrance that looked through all parts, the angles would have to be of varying degrees so I chose a pyramid, the rectangular prism is the main area with living rooms, dining room and the like with a connection to the cylinder, the cylinder would then contain all the bedrooms and on the upper floor more public space that is still undecided.
The use of the torus was to be in such as a walkway but containing smaller public areas, connected between two main complexes the cylinder is the entrance with a small guest area while the pyramid holds the main parts of the building, bedrooms, dining rooms, kitchens and the like. I would like to try and split up the public spaces into smaller more private ones through the torus allowing for a unique entry to the main complex and becoming more personal with the shape and effect of the pieces

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